Inclement Weather
GEM Express may close for inclement weather. Due to our registration of students and staff that live in both the Allen and Lovejoy school districts, we will adhere to the following:
· If Allen or Lovejoy schools close, GEM Express will follow the same recommendation.
· If either AISD / LISD has a 2 hour delay, GEM will start at 10:30 am.
· If either Lovejoy or Allen closes due to inclement weather, GEM will be closed.
· If Lovejoy closes and Allen has a delayed start, GEM will be closed.
· If Allen closes and Lovejoy has a delayed start, GEM will be closed.
· If Allen has a delayed start and Lovejoy does not, GEM starts at 10:30 am.
· If Lovejoy has a delayed start and Allen does not, GEM starts at 10:30 am.
You can check or for their most current information regarding school closings. Please listen to radio and television broadcasts and follow procedures for Allen Independent School District (AISD) / Lovejoy Independent School District (LISD).
If GEM is closed due to inclement weather, we do not make up the bad weather day.
GEM will follow the National Weather Service guidelines to maintain outdoor playground time safe for all students. Students will have outdoor playground time daily weather permitting. We will not go outside if it is raining, lightning/thundering within 10 miles, temperature/heat index is 100° or above, or cold/windchill factor 32° or below. Children will have access to water during the hot temperatures. We do not apply sunscreen to students.