2025/2026 School Fees


2 days - $305.00
3 days - $335.00
4 days - $410.00
5 days - $445.00
Kindergarten - $430.00 4 Day 4s + Enrichment/Kindergarten + Enrich - $445.00
Friday Enrichment Only - $180.00

Sibling Discount - $10.00 discount on registration fee.
Registration includes annual supply fee, school T-shirt, and nap mat.


To pay registration fee contact Bonnie Phillips at bonnie@grace-efc.org


MONTHLY TUITION - EARLY BIRD (register before February 28, 2025)

Prices are a yearly fee broken down into 9 equal payments.

2 and 3 Year Old Classes:
2 days - $330.00
3 days - $375.00
5 days - $510.00

4 Year Old Classes:
3 days - $375.00
4 days - $440.00
4 Day 4s + Friday Enrichment - $525.00

Kindergarten Classes:
4 days - $465.00
Kindergarten + Friday Enrichment - $550.00

*Friday Enrichment Only - $180.00

Sibling Discount - $10.00 discount per month on tuition.

* Friday Enrichment Day may be added to M-Th 4s or Kindergarten OR as a stand-alone Friday class for 4 and 5 year olds.

MONTHLY TUITION - REGULAR (Regular Rates begin March 1, 2025)

Prices are a yearly fee broken down into 9 equal payments.

2 and 3 Year Old Classes:
2 days - $340.00
3 days - $385.00
5 days - $530.00

4 Year Old Classes:
3 days - $385.00
4 days - $455.00
4 Day 4s + Friday Enrichment - $540.00

Kindergarten Classes:
4 days - $480.00
Kindergarten + Friday Enrichment - $580.00

*Friday Enrichment Only - $195.00

Sibling Discount - $10.00 discount per month on tuition.

* Friday Enrichment Day may be added to M-Th 4s or Kindergarten OR as a stand-alone Friday class for 4 and 5 year olds.